07 February 2009

E-Vil Plot Bunnies

So, I'm right in the middle of a story. It's flowing just fine, my characters are cooperating to the fullest extent, I'm happy. Then what happens? From out of nowhere, an EPB smacks me upside the head, refusing to go away until I give it my full, undivided attention. Sigh.

I shouldn't complain. At least I am writing, right? :D


DKoren said...

LOL. Is said new plot thread on the same story... or a different one?

CP said...

Totally brand new story. Same fandom - different character. Said EPB was persistent, though. I have 4 pages of the new story done. I can live with that.

Susan said...

Two stories, both with Ezra? That is great to hear! Go evil plot bunnies!!

CP said...

Actually, neither of them feature him. The first one is a Buck and Vin adventure, with Vin-whump, and the second one is Chris-getting-his-ass-kicked! Go figure. :D