24 February 2009

Look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls!

Isn't it wonderful when you're agonizing over a particular section of a story and from out of nowhere a very important part, which you previously had no idea was so important, just clicks into place? Makes one feel like springing from their chair and doing a seriously goofy happy dance!!!

18 February 2009

Note to self

Remember to put up traps and alarms around the perimeter to stop wayward EPB's from infiltrating the compound. Argh.

11 February 2009

With a little (LOT!) help from my friends

I've been fretting over the dialogue in my current WIP. It was thisclose to driving me to distraction. (not that it would be a long trip, mind you.) Then earlier today, a friend offered to take a look at my problem, and lo and behold, the advice she gave me just clicked! Now I truly believe I can write the next segment of my story without pulling all my hair out or gnashing my teeth. Huzzah! Thanks, Sarah!!

09 February 2009

To whom it may concern


That is all.

08 February 2009

A bit of frivolity on a Sunday afternoon

I recently acquired Printshop, and while I'm still learning about all the bells and whistles, I was able to construct this little bit of Ezra-ness. Cheesy, but I like it. :D

07 February 2009

E-Vil Plot Bunnies

So, I'm right in the middle of a story. It's flowing just fine, my characters are cooperating to the fullest extent, I'm happy. Then what happens? From out of nowhere, an EPB smacks me upside the head, refusing to go away until I give it my full, undivided attention. Sigh.

I shouldn't complain. At least I am writing, right? :D